Life in the Time of Coronavirus Pt. III

I made it into the new year. I don’t mean that in the usual sense of people making small talk, rather I’m being quite literal. At the beginning of December I cam down with COVID19.

It’s just as much fun as you’ve heard. I had the full package, fever, muscle aches, nausea, loss of taste and smell, and, of course, significant difficulty in breathing. I ended up in the ER for a good chunk of a day when my O2 saturation dropped into the mid 80s. I was eventually discharged after my O2 levels came back up to around 90, which is still low but, because of bed shortages (Thank you, Trump), was not bad enough to qualify for a bed.

So I spent a a couple of weeks sequestered in the basement and that time is mostly a blur. I couldn’t sleep for more than a few hours at a time so I spent most of my time sleeping for a few hours and being awake for a few hours. Day and night become meaningless at this point, especially when you’re underground.

I eventually got better, for the most part. My taste and smell came back rather rapidly, which I’m very glad for, but, over a month since I first had symptoms, I’m still having trouble breathing. Even rather minor amounts of exertion can leave me struggling to breathe. My doctor said that I’ll just have to deal with it and hopefully it’ll improve over the next couple of months.

Stay safe, wear your mask and social distance. You don’t want to get this. Even if you recover it doesn’t mean that it is over.